PC World Komputer 2007 December
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// vim: ts=2 sw=2 expandtab cindent
// Copyright Flock Inc. 2005-2007
// http://flock.com
// This file may be used under the terms of of the
// GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
// http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
// WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
// License.
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cr = Components.results;
const ENABLE_DEBUG = false; // switch to turn off slow debug code for production
function DEBUG(x) { if (ENABLE_DEBUG) debug("flockWebDetective: "+x+"\n"); }
const CLASS_ID = Components.ID("{61F83B70-6B52-11DB-BD13-0800200C9A66}");
const CLASS_NAME = "Flock Web Detective";
const CONTRACT_ID = "@flock.com/web-detective;1";
const INTERFACES = [
// from nspr's prio.h
const PR_RDONLY = 0x01;
const PR_WRONLY = 0x02;
const PR_RDWR = 0x04;
const PR_CREATE_FILE = 0x08;
const PR_APPEND = 0x10;
const PR_TRUNCATE = 0x20;
const PR_SYNC = 0x40;
const PR_EXCL = 0x80;
const DEFAULT_UPDATE_SERVER = "https://extensions.flock.com/webdetective/dove/";
const DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1; // This is in days
// ===================================================
// ========== BEGIN flockWebDetective class ==========
// ===================================================
function flockWebDetective()
// Associative array where keys are service names and values are XML Docs
this.mRules = [];
// Associative array of version strings by service
this.mVersions = [];
// Associative array of strings by service
this.mStrings = [];
// Associative array of session cookies by service
this.mSessionCookies = [];
// Associative array of detect files that we've loaded for a given service
this.mDetectFiles = [];
this.cookieMgr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/cookiemanager;1"]
this.mEnabled = true;
// BEGIN nsISupports interface
flockWebDetective.prototype.QueryInterface =
function flockWebDetective_QueryInterface(aIID)
var interfaces = INTERFACES;
for (var i in interfaces) {
if (aIID.equals(interfaces[i])) {
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
// END nsISupports interface
// BEGIN nsIClassInfo interface
flockWebDetective.prototype.contractID = CONTRACT_ID;
flockWebDetective.prototype.classID = CLASS_ID;
flockWebDetective.prototype.classDescription = CLASS_NAME;
flockWebDetective.prototype.implementationLanguage = Components.interfaces.nsIProgrammingLanguage.JAVASCRIPT;
flockWebDetective.prototype.flags = Components.interfaces.nsIClassInfo.SINGLETON;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getInterfaces =
function flockWebDetective_getInterfaces(aCount)
var interfaces = INTERFACES;
aCount.value = interfaces.length;
return interfaces;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getHelperForLanguage =
function flockWebDetective_getHelperForLanguage(aLanguage)
return null;
// END nsIClassInfo interface
// BEGIN nsIObserver interface
flockWebDetective.prototype.observe =
function flockWebDetective_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData)
// END nsIObserver interface
// BEGIN nsITimerCallback interface
flockWebDetective.prototype.notify =
function flockWebDetective_notify(timer)
try {
var prefs = Cc['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1']
var doUpdate = prefs.getBoolPref('flock.service.webdetective.update');
if (!doUpdate)
catch (e) { }
// END nsITimerCallback interface
// BEGIN flockIWebDetective interface
flockWebDetective.prototype.detect =
function flockWebDetective_detect(aServiceName, aType, aDocument, aResults)
DEBUG("{flockIWebDetective}.detect('"+aServiceName+"', '"+aType+"')");
return this.innerDetect(aServiceName, aType, aDocument, null, aResults);
flockWebDetective.prototype.detectForm =
function flockWebDetective_detectForm(aServiceName, aType, aForm, aResults)
DEBUG("{flockIWebDetective}.detectForm('"+aServiceName+"', '"+aType+"')");
return this.innerDetect(aServiceName, aType, aForm.ownerDocument, aForm, aResults);
flockWebDetective.prototype.detectCookies =
function flockWebDetective_detectCookies(aServiceName, aType, aResults)
DEBUG("{flockIWebDetective}.detectCookies('"+aServiceName+"', '"+aType+"')");
return this.innerDetect(aServiceName, aType, null, null, aResults);
flockWebDetective.prototype.detectNoDOM =
function flockWebDetective_detectNoDOM(aServiceName, aType, aURL, aDocumentText, aResults)
DEBUG("{flockIWebDetective}.detectNoDOM('"+aServiceName+"', '"+aType+"')");
var doc = {
noDOM: true,
documentElement: {
innerHTML: aDocumentText
return this.innerDetect(aServiceName, aType, doc, null, aResults);
flockWebDetective.prototype.getSessionCookies =
function flockWebDetective_getSessionCookies(aServiceName)
if (!this.mSessionCookies[aServiceName]) {
if (!this.mSessionCookies[aServiceName]) return null;
var wd = this;
return {
arr: wd.mSessionCookies[aServiceName],
idx: 0,
QueryInterface: function (aIID) {
if ( !aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) &&
!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISimpleEnumerator) )
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
hasMoreElements: function () {
return (this.idx < this.arr.length);
getNext: function () {
var c = this.arr[this.idx++];
var cookie = {
QueryInterface: function (aIID) {
if ( !aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) &&
!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsICookie) )
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
host: c.host,
name: c.name,
path: c.path
return cookie.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsICookie);
flockWebDetective.prototype.getString =
function flockWebDetective_getString(aServiceName, aURLName, aDefault)
DEBUG("{flockIWebDetective}.getString('"+aServiceName+"', '"+aURLName+"')");
if (!this.mEnabled) return aDefault;
if (!this.mRules[aServiceName]) {
throw "No rules loaded for service: "+aServiceName;
if (!this.mStrings[aServiceName]) {
if (this.mStrings[aServiceName][aURLName]) {
return this.mStrings[aServiceName][aURLName];
return aDefault;
flockWebDetective.prototype.loadDetectFile =
function flockWebDetective_loadDetectFile(aDetectFile)
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
if (prefs.getPrefType("flock.service.webdetective.enabled")) {
this.mEnabled = prefs.getBoolPref("flock.service.webdetective.enabled");
if (!this.mEnabled) return;
if ((!aDetectFile.exists()) || (!aDetectFile.isReadable())) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
// Load and parse the XML
var fis = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"]
fis.init(aDetectFile, PR_RDONLY, 0, 0);
DEBUG("available bytes: "+fis.available());
var domParser = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"]
var xmlDoc = domParser.parseFromStream(fis, "UTF-8", fis.available(), "text/xml");
var serviceEl = xmlDoc.documentElement;
if (serviceEl.tagName != "service") {
DEBUG("PARSE ERROR: no 'service' element found");
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
var serviceName = serviceEl.getAttribute("name");
if (!serviceName || (serviceName == "")) {
DEBUG("PARSE ERROR: 'service' element has no name");
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
this.mRules[serviceName] = xmlDoc;
this.mDetectFiles[serviceName] = aDetectFile;
if (serviceEl.hasAttribute("version")) {
this.mVersions[serviceName] = serviceEl.getAttribute("version");
DEBUG("loaded detection rules for service: "+serviceName);
// Force the strings and cookies to be reloaded, since they may have changed
this.mStrings[serviceName] = null;
this.mSessionCookies[serviceName] = null;
flockWebDetective.prototype.listServices =
function flockWebDetective_listServices()
var svcEnum = {
_arr: [],
QueryInterface: function (aIID) {
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports)) return this;
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsISimpleEnumerator)) return this;
hasMoreElements: function () {
return (this._arr.length > 0);
getNext: function () {
return {
QueryInterface: function (aIID) {
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports)) return this;
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupportsPrimitive)) return this;
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupportsString)) return this;
type: Ci.nsISupportsPrimitive.TYPE_STRING,
data: this._arr.shift(),
toString: function () { return this.data; }
for (var svcName in this.mDetectFiles) {
return svcEnum;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getVersionForService =
function flockWebDetective_getVersionForService(aServiceName)
return (this.mVersions[aServiceName]) ? this.mVersions[aServiceName] : null;
// END flockIWebDetective interface
// BEGIN helper functions
flockWebDetective.prototype.innerDetect =
function flockWebDetective_innerDetect(aServiceName, aType, aDocument, aForm, aResults)
if (!this.mEnabled) return false;
var ruleMatch = false;
var ruleDoc = this.mRules[aServiceName];
if (ruleDoc) {
// Cache the rules for faster retrieval next time
if (!ruleDoc.rules) {
ruleDoc.rules = [];
if (!ruleDoc.rules[aType]) {
ruleDoc.rules[aType] = this.getRulesOfType(ruleDoc, aType);
var rules = ruleDoc.rules[aType];
DEBUG("found "+rules.length+ " rule(s) of type '"+aType+"'");
for (var r = 0; (r < rules.length) && !ruleMatch; r++) {
var allCondsMatch = true;
if (rules[r].conditionsEl) {
if (!rules[r].conditions) {
// This will be used for cacheing the conditions functions
rules[r].conditions = [];
// First check the URL conditions
if (!rules[r].conditions["url"]) {
// Cache the URL conditions for faster retrieval next time
rules[r].conditions["url"] = this.getURLConditionsForRule(rules[r]);
var urlConds = rules[r].conditions["url"];
DEBUG("rule["+r+"]("+aType+") has "+urlConds.length+" URL condition(s)");
if (urlConds.length > 0) {
if (aDocument && aDocument instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLDocument) {
var ios = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
var uri = ios.newURI(aDocument.URL, null, null);
for (var c = 0; (c < urlConds.length) && allCondsMatch; c++) {
if (!urlConds[c](uri)) {
DEBUG("URL condition ["+c+"] failed");
allCondsMatch = false;
if (!allCondsMatch) continue;
} else {
// There is no URL, so URL conditions automatically fail
allCondsMatch = false;
if (!allCondsMatch) continue;
// Check Form conditions
if (!rules[r].conditions["form"]) {
// Cache the Form conditions for faster retrieval next time
rules[r].conditions["form"] = this.getFormConditionsForRule(rules[r], aForm);
var formConds = rules[r].conditions["form"];
DEBUG("rule["+r+"]("+aType+") has "+formConds.length+" Form condition(s)");
if (formConds.length > 0) {
if (aForm) {
for (var c = 0; (c < formConds.length) && allCondsMatch; c++) {
if (!formConds[c](aForm)) {
DEBUG("Form condition ["+c+"] failed");
allCondsMatch = false;
} else {
// There's no Form, so Form conditions automatically fail
allCondsMatch = false;
if (!allCondsMatch) continue;
// Next check the Document conditions
if (!rules[r].conditions["doc"]) {
// Cache the Document conditions for faster retrieval next time
rules[r].conditions["doc"] = this.getDocConditionsForRule(rules[r]);
var docConds = rules[r].conditions["doc"];
DEBUG("rule["+r+"]("+aType+") has "+docConds.length+" Document condition(s)");
if (docConds.length > 0) {
if (aDocument) {
for (var c = 0; (c < docConds.length) && allCondsMatch; c++) {
if (!docConds[c](aDocument)) {
DEBUG("Document condition ["+c+"] failed");
allCondsMatch = false;
} else {
// There's no Document, so Document conditions automatically fail
allCondsMatch = false;
if (!allCondsMatch) continue;
// Finally check the Cookie conditions
if (!rules[r].conditions["cookie"]) {
// Cache the Cookie conditions for faster retrieval next time
rules[r].conditions["cookie"] = this.getCookieConditionsForRule(rules[r]);
var cookieConds = rules[r].conditions["cookie"];
DEBUG("rule["+r+"]("+aType+") has "+cookieConds.length+" Cookie condition(s)");
if (cookieConds.length > 0) {
var relevantCookies = this.getRelevantCookiesForRule(rules[r]);
for (var c = 0; (c < cookieConds.length) && allCondsMatch; c++) {
if (!cookieConds[c](relevantCookies)) {
DEBUG("Cookie condition ["+c+"] failed");
allCondsMatch = false;
if (allCondsMatch) {
DEBUG("All conditions matched for rule["+r+"]("+aType+")!");
ruleMatch = true;
if (!aResults) break;
// Now get results
this.getResultsForRule(aDocument, aForm, rules[r], aResults);
return ruleMatch;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getRulesOfType =
function flockWebDetective_getRulesOfType(aRulesDoc, aType)
var rules = [];
var detectElements = aRulesDoc.getElementsByTagName("detect");
for (var i = 0; i < detectElements.length; i++) {
var detect = detectElements.item(i);
detect = detect.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMElement);
if (aType == detect.getAttribute("type")) {
DEBUG("found <detect type='"+aType+"'>");
for (var j = 0; j < detect.childNodes.length; j++) {
var child = detect.childNodes.item(j);
try {
if (child.tagName == "conditions") {
detect.conditionsEl = child;
if (child.tagName == "results") {
detect.resultsEl = child;
} catch (ex) {
// Do nothing
if (!detect.conditionsEl) {
detect.conditionsEl = detect;
if (!detect.resultsEl) {
detect.resultsEl = detect;
rules[rules.length] = detect;
return rules;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getURLConditionsForRule =
function flockWebDetective_getURLConditionsForRule(aRule)
var conditions = [];
// Look for the first "url" element (ignore any others)
var urlEls = aRule.conditionsEl.getElementsByTagName("url");
if (urlEls.length) {
var urlEl = urlEls.item(0);
conditions = this.addStandardConds(conditions, urlEl, function (aURI) { return aURI.spec; });
if (urlEl.hasAttribute("domain")) {
conditions[conditions.length] = function (aURI) {
var domain = urlEl.getAttribute("domain");
if (aURI.host == domain) return true;
var idx = aURI.host.indexOf("."+domain);
if (idx < 1) return false;
return ((idx + domain.length + 1) == aURI.host.length);
var tags = ["host", "path", "querystring"];
var tagFuncs = [];
tagFuncs["host"] = function (aURI) { return aURI.host; };
tagFuncs["path"] = function (aURI) { return aURI.path; };
tagFuncs["querystring"] = function (aURI) { return aURI.path.substring(aURI.path.indexOf("?")); };
for (var tag in tagFuncs) {
var elements = urlEl.getElementsByTagName(tag);
for (var e = 0; e < elements.length; e++) {
var elem = elements.item(e);
conditions = this.addStandardConds(conditions, elem, tagFuncs[tag]);
var regexpEls = urlEl.getElementsByTagName("regexp");
for (var i = 0; i < regexpEls.length; i++) {
var regexpEl = regexpEls.item(i);
var rExpr = this.getRegexpFromNode(regexpEl);
var inst = this;
conditions[conditions.length] = function (aURI) {
return inst.doRegexpMatch(aURI.spec, rExpr, null, null);
return conditions;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getFormConditionsForRule =
function flockWebDetective_getFormConditionsForRule(aRule, aForm)
var conditions = [];
// Look for the first "form" element (ignore any others)
var formEls = aRule.conditionsEl.getElementsByTagName("form");
if (formEls.length) {
var formEl = formEls.item(0);
// Iterate through all the children of "form"
for (var i = 0; i < formEl.childNodes.length; i++) {
var formChild = formEl.childNodes.item(i);
try {
} catch (ex) {
DEBUG("Found <conditions><form><"+formChild.tagName+">");
switch (formChild.tagName) {
case "xpath":
conditions[conditions.length] = this.createXPathFormCondition(formChild);
}; break;
case "field":
conditions[conditions.length] = this.createFieldCondition(formChild);
}; break;
return conditions;
flockWebDetective.prototype.createXPathFormCondition =
function flockWebDetective_createXPathFormCondition(aXPathNode)
var inst = this;
return function (aForm) {
if (!aXPathNode.xpathExpr) {
aXPathNode.xpathExpr = inst.getXPathExpression(aXPathNode);
if (!aXPathNode.xpathFunc) {
aXPathNode.xpathFunc = inst.createXPathCondition(aXPathNode.xpathExpr);
if (!aForm.xpathPrefix) {
aForm.xpathPrefix = inst.getXPathPrefix(aForm);
DEBUG("Got XPath prefix for this form: "+aForm.xpathPrefix);
return aXPathNode.xpathFunc(aForm.ownerDocument, aForm.xpathPrefix);
const FIELD_ATTRIBUTES = [ "name", "type", "class" ];
flockWebDetective.prototype.createFieldCondition =
function flockWebDetective_createFieldCondition(aFieldNode)
var inst = this;
return function (aForm) {
return (inst.getMatchingFormField(aFieldNode, aForm) != null);
flockWebDetective.prototype.getMatchingFormField =
function flockWebDetective_getMatchingFormField(aFieldNode, aForm)
var formFields = aForm.elements;
for (var i = 0; i < formFields.length; i++) {
var field = formFields.item(i)
if (aFieldNode.hasAttribute("tagname")) {
if (field.tagName.toLowerCase() != aFieldNode.getAttribute("tagname").toLowerCase()) {
// This form field does not match the pattern, so skip it
DEBUG("tagname does NOT match ["+field.tagName+" != "+aFieldNode.getAttribute("tagname")+"]");
if (aFieldNode.hasAttribute("fieldid")) {
if ( !field.hasAttribute("id") ||
(aFieldNode.getAttribute("fieldid") != field.getAttribute("id")) )
// This form field does not match the pattern, so skip it
DEBUG("fieldid does NOT match");
// The fields have matching ids!
var matchesAllAttributes = true;
for (var j = 0; j < FIELD_ATTRIBUTES.length; j++) {
var attr = FIELD_ATTRIBUTES[j];
if (aFieldNode.hasAttribute(attr)) {
if ( !field.hasAttribute(attr) ||
(aFieldNode.getAttribute(attr) != field.getAttribute(attr)) )
// This form field does not match the pattern, so skip it
DEBUG("'"+attr+"' does NOT match");
matchesAllAttributes = false;
if (!matchesAllAttributes) continue;
// This form field matches the pattern
return field;
// Didn't find any fields matching the pattern
return null;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getDocConditionsForRule =
function flockWebDetective_getDocConditionsForRule(aRule)
var conditions = [];
// Document conditions can occur either under a "document" element, or else
// at the top level if compact syntax is being used.
var docCondNodes = this.getDocSubNodes(aRule.conditionsEl);
// Iterate through all the "document" sub nodes
for (var i = 0; i < docCondNodes.length; i++) {
var docChild = docCondNodes[i];
try {
} catch (ex) {
DEBUG("Found <conditions><document><"+docChild.tagName+">");
switch (docChild.tagName) {
case "xpath":
var xpathExpr = this.getXPathExpression(docChild);
if (xpathExpr) {
conditions[conditions.length] = this.createXPathCondition(xpathExpr);
}; break; // END "xpath" case
case "regexp":
var rExpr = this.getRegexpFromNode(docChild);
if (this.isValidMatchRegexp(rExpr)) {
var isMultiLine = (docChild.getAttribute("multiline") == "true");
if (isMultiLine) {
conditions[conditions.length] =
} else {
conditions[conditions.length] = this.createRegexpCondition(rExpr);
} else {
DEBUG("Condition will fail due to INVALID regexp: "+rExpr);
conditions[conditions.length] = function (aDocument) {
return false;
}; break; // END "regexp" case
return conditions;
flockWebDetective.prototype.createXPathCondition =
function flockWebDetective_createXPathCondition(aXPathExpr)
var func = function (aDocument, aXPathPrefix) {
if (aDocument.noDOM) {
DEBUG("Document has no DOM, can't use XPath!!");
return false;
var allXPath = (aXPathPrefix) ? aXPathPrefix+aXPathExpr : aXPathExpr;
DEBUG("Evaluating XPath statement: "+allXPath);
var result;
if (aDocument instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLDocument) {
result = aDocument.evaluate(allXPath, aDocument.body, null, 0, null);
} else {
var _xs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlserializer;1"]
var xml = _xs.serializeToString(aDocument.documentElement);
var namespace = "xmlns=\""+aDocument.documentElement.namespaceURI+"\"";
var temp = xml.indexOf(namespace);
aDocument.doc = null;
//need to strip out the namespace otherwise aDocument.evaluate will fail
if (temp > 0) {
var new_xml = xml.substring(0, temp)
+ xml.substring((temp + namespace.length), xml.length);
var parser = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"]
aDocument.doc = parser.parseFromString(new_xml, "text/xml");
result = aDocument.evaluate( allXPath,
(aDocument.doc ? aDocument.doc : aDocument),
null );
try {
result = result.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult);
} catch (ex) {
return false;
DEBUG(" - got an nsIDOMXPathResult of type ["+result.resultType+"]");
switch (result.resultType) {
case Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.STRING_TYPE:
DEBUG(" result.stringValue = "+result.stringValue);
return true;
}; break;
case Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE:
var node = result.iterateNext();
try {
DEBUG(" - XPath matching node!" + node.nodeValue);
// Found a matching node!
return true;
} catch (ex) {
DEBUG(" - NO match on XPath " +result);
return false;
}; break;
DEBUG("WARNING!!! Unhandled XPath result type: "+result.resultType);
return false;
return func;
* Generates a function for testing a regular expression against each line of
* a document in succession.
flockWebDetective.prototype.createRegexpCondition =
function flockWebDetective_createRegexpCondition(aRegExp)
var inst = this;
var func = function createRegexpCond_inner(aDocument) {
var html = aDocument.documentElement.innerHTML;
var lines = html.split(/[\r\n]+/);
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (inst.doRegexpMatch(lines[i], aRegExp, null, null)) {
return true;
return false;
return func;
* Generates a function for testing a "multiline" regular expression against
* the entire text of a document.
flockWebDetective.prototype.createMultilineRegexpCondition =
function flockWebDetective_createMultilineRegexpCondition(aRegExp)
var inst = this;
var func = function createMultilineRegexpCond_inner(aDocument) {
var html = aDocument.documentElement.innerHTML;
var oneString = html.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "");
return inst.doRegexpMatch(oneString, aRegExp, null, null);
return func;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getCookieConditionsForRule =
function flockWebDetective_getCookieConditionsForRule(aRule)
var conditions = [];
var cookieEls = aRule.conditionsEl.getElementsByTagName("cookie");
for (var e = 0; e < cookieEls.length; e++) {
var cookieEl = cookieEls.item(e);
var cHost = null;
if (cookieEl.hasAttribute("host")) {
cHost = cookieEl.getAttribute("host");
var cName = null;
if (cookieEl.hasAttribute("name")) {
cName = cookieEl.getAttribute("name");
var cNoMatch = (cookieEl.getAttribute("nomatch") == "true");
this.addCookieCondition(conditions, cHost, cName, cNoMatch);
return conditions;
flockWebDetective.prototype.addCookieCondition =
function flockWebDetective_addCookieCondition(aConditions, aHost, aName, aNoMatch)
aConditions[aConditions.length] = function (aRelevantCookies) {
var foundMatch = false;
for (var c = 0; (c < aRelevantCookies.length) && !foundMatch; c++) {
DEBUG("Testing cookie ["+aRelevantCookies[c].host+"]["+aRelevantCookies[c].name+"]");
DEBUG(" against rule ["+aNoMatch+"]["+aHost+"]["+aName+"]");
if ((aRelevantCookies[c].host == aHost) &&
(aRelevantCookies[c].name == aName))
foundMatch = true;
if (foundMatch && !aNoMatch) return true;
if (!foundMatch && aNoMatch) return true;
return false;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getRelevantCookiesForRule =
function flockWebDetective_getRelevantCookiesForRule(aRule)
var relevant = [];
var cookieEls = aRule.conditionsEl.getElementsByTagName("cookie");
for (var e = 0; e < cookieEls.length; e++) {
var host = cookieEls.item(e).getAttribute("host");
var name = cookieEls.item(e).getAttribute("name");
//DEBUG("Cookies with host="+host+" and name="+name+" are relevant");
if (!relevant[host]) {
relevant[host] = [];
relevant[host][name] = true;
var relevantCookies = [];
var cookEnum = this.cookieMgr.enumerator;
var cookieCount = 0;
while (cookEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
var cookie = cookEnum.getNext()
//DEBUG(" - filtering cookie ["+cookie.host+"]["+cookie.name+"]");
if (relevant[cookie.host] && relevant[cookie.host][cookie.name]) {
relevantCookies[relevantCookies.length] = cookie;
DEBUG("Found "+relevantCookies.length+" relevant cookies out of "+cookieCount+" total");
return relevantCookies;
flockWebDetective.prototype.addStandardConds =
function flockWebDetective_addStandardConds(aConditionsArray, aDOMElement, paramFunc)
if (aDOMElement.hasAttribute("equals")) {
aConditionsArray[aConditionsArray.length] = function (param) {
var input = paramFunc(param);
DEBUG("condition: "+input+" == "+aDOMElement.getAttribute("equals"));
return (input == aDOMElement.getAttribute("equals"));
if (aDOMElement.hasAttribute("contains")) {
aConditionsArray[aConditionsArray.length] = function (param) {
var input = paramFunc(param);
DEBUG("condition: "+input+" ~= "+aDOMElement.getAttribute("contains"));
return (input.indexOf(aDOMElement.getAttribute("contains")) != -1);
return aConditionsArray;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getResultsForRule =
function flockWebDetective_getResultsForRule(aDocument, aForm, aRule, aResults)
if (!aRule.resultsEl) return;
if (aDocument) {
// Get URL results
if (!aRule.urlResults) {
aRule.urlResults = aRule.resultsEl.getElementsByTagName("url");
var workingData = {};
for (var u = 0; u < aRule.urlResults.length; u++) {
var urlEl = aRule.urlResults.item(u);
DEBUG("found <results><url>");
for (var i = 0; i < urlEl.childNodes.length; i++) {
var child = urlEl.childNodes.item(i);
try {
} catch (ex) {
DEBUG("found <results><url><"+child.tagName+">");
switch (child.tagName) {
case "regexp":
this.getRegexpResults(null, aDocument.URL, child, aResults, workingData);
}; break;
// Get Document results
workingData = {};
if (!aRule.docResults) {
aRule.docResults = this.getDocSubNodes(aRule.resultsEl);
for (var d = 0; d < aRule.docResults.length; d++) {
var child = aRule.docResults[d];
try {
} catch (ex) {
DEBUG("found <results><document><"+child.tagName+">");
switch (child.tagName) {
case "regexp":
this.getRegexpResults(aDocument, aDocument.documentElement.innerHTML, child, aResults, workingData);
}; break;
case "xpath":
this.getXPathResults(aDocument, child, aResults, workingData);
}; break;
if (aForm) {
// Get Form results
var workingData = {};
var formEls = aRule.resultsEl.getElementsByTagName("form");
for (var f = 0; f < formEls.length; f++) {
var formEl = formEls.item(f);
DEBUG("found <results><form>");
for (var i = 0; i < formEl.childNodes.length; i++) {
var child = formEl.childNodes.item(i);
try {
} catch (ex) {
DEBUG("found <results><form><"+child.tagName+">");
switch (child.tagName) {
case "xpath":
this.getXPathResults(aForm, child, aResults, workingData);
}; break;
case "field":
this.getFieldResults(aForm, child, aResults);
}; break;
// TODO: Get Cookie results...
flockWebDetective.prototype.getDocSubNodes =
function flockWebDetective_getDocSubNodes(aNode)
var resultNodes = [];
var documentEls = aNode.getElementsByTagName("document");
for (var i = 0; i < documentEls.length; i++) {
var docEl = documentEls.item(i);
for (var j = 0; j < docEl.childNodes.length; j++) {
var child = docEl.childNodes.item(j);
try {
} catch (ex) {
// Any children of the result node that are NOT in [ conditions, url,
// document, form, cookie ] are considered document conditions.
for (var i = 0; i < aNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
var child = aNode.childNodes.item(i);
try {
} catch (ex) {
switch (child.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
case "conditions":
case "url":
case "document":
case "form":
case "cookie":
return resultNodes;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getRegexpResults =
function flockWebDetective_getRegexpResults(aDecorEl, aString, aRegexpNode, aResults, aData)
// Cache the regexp
if (!aRegexpNode.rExpr) {
aRegexpNode.rExpr = this.getRegexpFromNode(aRegexpNode);
// Cache whether it is valid
if (!aRegexpNode.isValid) {
aRegexpNode.isValid = this.isValidMatchRegexp(aRegexpNode.rExpr);
if (!aRegexpNode.isValid) {
DEBUG("Can't get results due to INVALID regexp: "+aRegexpNode.rExpr);
// Cache the list of variables we are looking for
if (!aRegexpNode.reVars) {
aRegexpNode.reVars = [];
aRegexpNode.postProcess = [];
for (var re = 1; ; re++) {
if (aRegexpNode.hasAttribute("re"+re)) {
// Look for variable declarations as attributes
aRegexpNode.reVars[re] = aRegexpNode.getAttribute("re"+re);
} else {
// Look for variable declarations as elements
var reTags = aRegexpNode.getElementsByTagName("re"+re);
if (reTags.length) {
var reTag = reTags.item(0);
if (reTag.hasAttribute("name")) {
aRegexpNode.reVars[re] = reTag.getAttribute("name");
if (reTag.hasAttribute("processing")) {
// There are no more variables to be gotten from this regexp
// See if we have already decorated with the values for any of these vars
var allDecorated = false;
if (aDecorEl && aDecorEl._flock_decorations) {
allDecorated = true;
for (var i = 0; i < aRegexpNode.reVars.length; i++) {
var val = aDecorEl._flock_decorations[aRegexpNode.reVars[i]];
if (val) {
DEBUG("Found a decoration for ["+aRegexpNode.reVars[i]+"] = "+val);
aResults.setPropertyAsAString(aRegexpNode.reVars[i], val);
} else {
allDecorated = false;
if (allDecorated) {
DEBUG("Found all the vars as decorations! No need to run regexp...");
// Ensure that a value exists -- at least an empty string -- for each var
for (var i = 0; i < aRegexpNode.reVars.length; i++) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
aResults.setPropertyAsAString(aRegexpNode.reVars[i], "");
DEBUG("Getting results using regexp: "+aRegexpNode.rExpr);
if (aRegexpNode.rExpr) {
var isMultiLine = (aRegexpNode.getAttribute("multiline") == "true");
var isMultiValent = (aRegexpNode.getAttribute("multivalent") == "true");
if (isMultiLine) {
if (!aData.oneString) {
aData.oneString = aString.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "");
this.doRegexpMatch( aData.oneString,
aDecorEl );
} else {
// isMultiLine == false
if (!aData.lines) {
aData.lines = aString.split(/[\r\n]/);
DEBUG("There are "+aData.lines.length+" lines to test with regexp");
for (var line = 0; line < aData.lines.length; line++) {
//DEBUG("line "+line+" has "+aData.lines[line].length+" characters");
if (this.doRegexpMatch( aData.lines[line],
isMultiValent ))
for (var i = 0; i < aRegexpNode.postProcess.length; i++) {
this.postProcess(aRegexpNode.postProcess[i], aResults, aDecorEl);
flockWebDetective.prototype.setResult =
function flockWebDetective_setResult(aResults, aName, aValue, aDecorEl)
aResults.setPropertyAsAString(aName, aValue);
if (aDecorEl) {
if (!aDecorEl._flock_decorations) {
aDecorEl._flock_decorations = [];
aDecorEl._flock_decorations[aName] = aValue;
flockWebDetective.prototype.postProcess =
function flockWebDetective_postProcess(aRENode, aResults, aDecorEl)
var name = aRENode.getAttribute("name");
var processes = aRENode.getAttribute("processing").split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < processes.length; i++) {
var oldVal = aResults.getPropertyAsAString(name);
var newVal = oldVal;
DEBUG(" - process: "+processes[i]);
switch (processes[i].toLowerCase()) {
case "unescape":
newVal = unescape(oldVal);
case "toupper":
case "touppercase":
newVal = oldVal.toUpperCase();
case "tolower":
case "tolowercase":
newVal = oldVal.toLowerCase();
case "subst":
// There must be a CDATA block with the substitution regexp
var substRegexp = null;
for (var j = 0; (j < aRENode.childNodes.length) && !substRegexp; j++) {
var child = aRENode.childNodes.item(j);
if (child.nodeType ==
DEBUG(" - substitution regexp: "+child.nodeValue);
substRegexp = this.parseSubstRegexp(child.nodeValue);
if (substRegexp) {
DEBUG(" pattern: "+substRegexp.pattern);
DEBUG(" replacement: "+substRegexp.replace);
// Convert to JS-compatible syntax
var replacement = substRegexp.replace;
for (var r = 1; r < 10; r++) {
var replacementRE = "/\/"+r+"/g";
replacement = replacement.replace(eval(replacementRE), "$"+r);
// Do the substitution
newVal = oldVal.replace(eval(substRegexp.pattern), replacement);
DEBUG("WARNING: unhandled processing directive: "+processes[i]);
DEBUG(" - new value: "+newVal);
this.setResult(aResults, name, newVal, aDecorEl);
flockWebDetective.prototype.parseSubstRegexp =
function flockWebDetective_parseSubstRegexp(aRegexpString)
if (!aRegexpString.match(/^s\/((\\\/|[^\/])+)\/((\\\/|[^\/])*)\/[gim]{0,3}$/)) {
DEBUG("INVALID substitution regexp: "+aRegexpString);
return null;
return {
pattern: "/"+RegExp.$1+"/",
replace: RegExp.$3
flockWebDetective.prototype.getXPathPrefix =
function flockWebDetective_getXPathPrefix(aHTMLElement)
if (!aHTMLElement) return "";
var el = aHTMLElement.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMElement);
var doc = el.ownerDocument;
var xpathExpr = "//"+el.tagName.toLowerCase();
DEBUG(".getXPathPrefix" + xpathExpr);
if (el.hasAttribute("id")) {
xpathExpr += "[@id=\""+el.getAttribute("id")+"\"]";
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < TEST_FOR_ATTRIBS.length; i++) {
var attrib = TEST_FOR_ATTRIBS[i];
if (el.hasAttribute(attrib)) {
xpathExpr += "[@"+attrib+"=\""+el.getAttribute(attrib)+"\"]";
// This may not be enough to uniquely identify the node, so do the parent
// as well...
if (el.parentNode && (el.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() != "body")) {
xpathExpr = this.getXPathPrefix(el.parentNode) + xpathExpr.substring(1);
return xpathExpr;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getXPathExpression =
function flockWebDetective_getXPathExpression(aXPathNode)
var xpathExpr = null;
if (aXPathNode.hasAttribute("match")) {
xpathExpr = aXPathNode.getAttribute("match");
} else {
for (var j = 0; (j < aXPathNode.childNodes.length) && !xpathExpr; j++) {
if ( aXPathNode.childNodes.item(j).nodeType ==
Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNode.CDATA_SECTION_NODE )
xpathExpr = aXPathNode.childNodes.item(j).nodeValue;
return xpathExpr;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getXPathResults =
function flockWebDetective_getXPathResults(aDocumentOrElement, aXPathNode, aResults, aData)
// First check to see if we have already cached this result as a decoration
// on aDocumentOrElement
var name = null;
if (aXPathNode.hasAttribute("name")) {
name = aXPathNode.getAttribute("name");
if ( aDocumentOrElement._flock_decorations &&
aDocumentOrElement._flock_decorations[name] )
DEBUG("Using decorated value for '"+name+"'");
aResults.setPropertyAsAString(name, aDocumentOrElement._flock_decorations[name]);
// No cached value, so press on
var doc;
var needPrefix = false;
try {
doc = aDocumentOrElement;
} catch (ex) {
doc = aDocumentOrElement.ownerDocument;
needPrefix = true;
if (!aDocumentOrElement.xpathPrefix && needPrefix) {
aDocumentOrElement.xpathPrefix = this.getXPathPrefix(aDocumentOrElement);
if (!aDocumentOrElement.xpathPrefix) {
aDocumentOrElement.xpathPrefix = "";
if (!aXPathNode.xpathExpr) {
aXPathNode.xpathExpr = this.getXPathExpression(aXPathNode);
DEBUG("aDocumentOrElement.xpathPrefix " + aDocumentOrElement.xpathPrefix);
var xpathExpr = aXPathNode.xpathExpr;
if (aDocumentOrElement.xpathPrefix) {
xpathExpr = aDocumentOrElement.xpathPrefix + aXPathNode.xpathExpr;
if (xpathExpr) {
var extract = null;
if (aXPathNode.hasAttribute("extract")) {
extract = aXPathNode.getAttribute("extract");
var multivalent = false;
if (aXPathNode.hasAttribute("multivalent")) {
multivalent = aXPathNode.getAttribute("multivalent");
var snippets = this.getXMLSnippetsFromXPath(doc, xpathExpr, extract);
DEBUG(" XPath got us "+snippets.length+" snippets to check " + multivalent);
if (snippets.length && name) {
if (!multivalent) {
this.setResult(aResults, name, snippets[0], aDocumentOrElement);
} else {
this.setResult(aResults, name, snippets, aDocumentOrElement);
// Now let's see if there's a regexp subnode
for (var i = 0; i < aXPathNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
var child = aXPathNode.childNodes.item(i);
try {
} catch (ex) {
if (child.tagName == "regexp") {
DEBUG(" This XPath statement has a Regexp too!");
for (var j = 0; j < snippets.length; j++) {
this.getRegexpResults(aDocumentOrElement, snippets[j], child, aResults, aData);
"value": true,
"nodeValue": true,
flockWebDetective.prototype.getXMLSnippetsFromXPath =
function flockWebDetective_getXMLSnippetsFromXPath(aDocument, aXPathExpr, aExtract)
DEBUG("Looking for snippets that match this XPath: "+aXPathExpr+" "+aDocument);
var snippets = [];
if (aDocument.noDOM) {
DEBUG("Document has no DOM, can't use XPath!!");
var result;
if (aDocument instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLDocument) {
result = aDocument.evaluate(aXPathExpr, aDocument.body, null, 0, null);
} else {
result = aDocument.evaluate( aXPathExpr,
(aDocument.doc ? aDocument.doc : aDocument),
null );
try {
result = result.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult);
} catch (ex) {
switch (result.resultType) {
case Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.STRING_TYPE:
DEBUG(" result.stringValue = "+result.stringValue);
}; break;
case Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE:
var node;
while (node = result.iterateNext()) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
var value;
if ( node.hasChildNodes() &&
(node.childNodes.length > 1
|| (node.childNodes.length == 1
&& !node.firstChild instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMText)) )
var _xs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlserializer;1"]
value = _xs.serializeToString(node);
} else if ( node.childNodes.length == 1 &&
node.firstChild instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMText )
value = node.firstChild.textContent;
} else {
value = node.nodeValue;
if (aExtract) {
value = node[aExtract];
} else if ( aExtract.indexOf("attribute:") == 0 &&
node instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMElement )
var attrName = aExtract.substring(10);
value = node.getAttribute(attrName);
DEBUG(" - XPath matching node: "+ value);
}; break;
DEBUG("WARNING!!! Unhandled XPath result type: "+result.resultType);
return snippets;
flockWebDetective.prototype.getFieldResults =
function flockWebDetective_getFieldResults(aForm, aFieldNode, aResults)
var varname = null;
if (aFieldNode.hasAttribute("extractas")) {
varname = aFieldNode.getAttribute("extractas");
} else if (aFieldNode.hasAttribute("name")) {
varname = aFieldNode.getAttribute("name");
} else if (aFieldNode.hasAttribute("fieldid")) {
varname = aFieldNode.getAttribute("fieldid");
if (varname) {
var field = this.getMatchingFormField(aFieldNode, aForm);
if (field instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement) {
DEBUG(".getFieldResults() - extracting form field value ["+varname+"] = "+field.value);
aResults.setPropertyAsAString(varname, field.value);
flockWebDetective.prototype.getRegexpFromNode =
function flockWebDetective_getRegexpFromNode(aRegexpNode)
var rExpr = null;
if (aRegexpNode.hasAttribute("expression")) {
rExpr = aRegexpNode.getAttribute("expression");
} else {
for (var j = 0; j < aRegexpNode.childNodes.length; j++) {
if ( aRegexpNode.childNodes.item(j).nodeType ==
Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNode.CDATA_SECTION_NODE )
rExpr = aRegexpNode.childNodes.item(j).nodeValue;
return rExpr;
* This does not do 'true' regexp validation, but rather just enough to ensure
* that executing this string will not allow arbitrary code execution.
flockWebDetective.prototype.isValidMatchRegexp =
function flockWebDetective_isValidMatchRegexp(aRegexpString)
DEBUG("Testing for validity: "+aRegexpString);
return aRegexpString.match(/^\/(\\\/|[^\/])+\/[gim]{0,3}$/);
flockWebDetective.prototype.doRegexpMatch =
function flockWebDetective_doRegexpMatch( aString, aRegexp, aResultFields,
aResults, aDecorEl, aIsMultiValent )
if (aString.match(eval(aRegexp))) {
DEBUG(".doRegexpMatch() MATCH!");
if (aResultFields && aResults) {
for (var i = 1; i < aResultFields.length; i++) {
var fieldName = aResultFields[i];
if (aIsMultiValent) {
for (var j = 1; ; j++) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
fieldName += j;
DEBUG(".doRegexpMatch() found [ "+fieldName+" ] = "+eval("RegExp.$"+i));
this.setResult(aResults, fieldName, eval("RegExp.$"+i), aDecorEl);
return true;
//DEBUG(".doRegexpMatch() NO-match.");
return false;
flockWebDetective.prototype.loadStrings =
function flockWebDetective_loadStrings(aServiceName)
this.mStrings[aServiceName] = [];
var stringsEls = this.mRules[aServiceName].getElementsByTagName("strings");
for (var i = 0; i < stringsEls.length; i++) {
var stringsEl = stringsEls.item(i);
var stringEls = stringsEl.getElementsByTagName("string");
for (var j = 0; j < stringEls.length; j++) {
var stringEl = stringEls.item(j);
if (stringEl.hasAttribute("name")) {
var stringName = stringEl.getAttribute("name");
var foundValue = null;
if (stringEl.hasAttribute("value")) {
foundValue = stringEl.getAttribute("value");
var longestTextValue = "";
for (var k = 0; (k < stringEl.childNodes.length) && !foundValue; k++) {
var child = stringEl.childNodes.item(k);
switch (child.nodeType) {
case Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNode.TEXT_NODE:
if (child.nodeValue.length > longestTextValue.length) {
longestTextValue = child.nodeValue;
case Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNode.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
foundValue = stringEl.childNodes.item(k).nodeValue;
if (!foundValue) {
foundValue = longestTextValue;
this.mStrings[aServiceName][stringName] = foundValue;
DEBUG( ".loadStrings('"+aServiceName+"'): found string '"+stringName
+"': "+this.mStrings[aServiceName][stringName] );
flockWebDetective.prototype.loadSessionCookies =
function flockWebDetective_loadSessionCookies(aServiceName)
this.mSessionCookies[aServiceName] = [];
var cookiesEls = this.mRules[aServiceName].getElementsByTagName("sessioncookies");
for (var i = 0; i < cookiesEls.length; i++) {
var cookiesEl = cookiesEls.item(i);
var cookieEls = cookiesEl.getElementsByTagName("cookie");
for (var j = 0; j < cookieEls.length; j++) {
var cookieEl = cookieEls.item(j);
var c = {
host: cookieEl.getAttribute("host"),
name: cookieEl.getAttribute("name"),
path: cookieEl.getAttribute("path")
DEBUG( ".loadSessionCookies('"+aServiceName+"'): host["+c.host+"] name["
+c.name+"] path["+c.path+"]" );
// END helper functions
// BEGIN update service functions
// This is patterned after nsSearchService.js:engineMetadataService
function makeURI(url) {
var ios = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1']
try {
return ios.newURI(url, null, null);
} catch (ex) { }
return null;
function createStatement(dbconn, sql) {
var stmt = dbconn.createStatement(sql);
var wrapper = Cc["@mozilla.org/storage/statement-wrapper;1"]
return wrapper;
function UpdateMetadataStore() {
UpdateMetadataStore.prototype = {
init: function UMS_init() {
var dbfile = Cc['@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1']
.getService(Ci.nsIProperties).get('ProfD', Ci.nsIFile);
var storageService = Cc['@mozilla.org/storage/service;1']
this.mDBConn = storageService.openDatabase(dbfile);
var schema = 'id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, servicename STRING, ' +
'name STRING, value STRING';
try {
this.mDBConn.createTable('webdetect_data', schema);
catch (e) { }
this.mGetData = createStatement(this.mDBConn,
'SELECT value FROM webdetect_data WHERE servicename = :servicename ' +
'AND name = :name');
this.mDeleteData = createStatement(this.mDBConn,
'DELETE FROM webdetect_data WHERE servicename = :servicename ' +
'AND name = :name');
this.mInsertData = createStatement(this.mDBConn,
'INSERT INTO webdetect_data (servicename, name, value) ' +
'VALUES (:servicename, :name, :value)');
getAttr: function UMS_getAttr(serviceName, name) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
var stmt = this.mGetData;
var pp = stmt.params;
pp.servicename = serviceName;
pp.name = name;
var value = null;
if (stmt.step())
value = stmt.row.value;
return value;
setAttr: function UMS_setAttr(serviceName, name, value) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
this.deleteServiceData(serviceName, name);
pp = this.mInsertData.params;
pp.servicename = serviceName;
pp.name = name;
pp.value = value;
deleteServiceData: function UMS_deleteServiceData(serviceName, name) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
var pp = this.mDeleteData.params;
pp.servicename = serviceName;
pp.name = name;
flockWebDetective.prototype.startUpdateService =
function flockWebDetective_startUpdateService()
this.updateMetadataStore = new UpdateMetadataStore();
var tm = Cc['@mozilla.org/updates/timer-manager;1']
var prefs = Cc['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1']
var interval = prefs.getIntPref('flock.service.webdetective.updateinterval');
var seconds = interval * 3600;
tm.registerTimer('web-detective-update-timer', this, seconds);
* Stevo : This may be a bit clunky right now, we have 2 variables (updatesOk and fileCount) that
* are used to maintain if all updates are successful, and when to report back the results to aListener
* if aListener is valid. So for each service we send off a request and have a listener that onSuccess
* decrements the fileCount and when fileCount is <= 0 calls the onSuccess or onError depending on the
* state of updatesOk, onError will decrement fileCount and set updatesOk to false and when fileCount is <= 0
* it will report back onError to the aListener.
flockWebDetective.prototype.checkForUpdates =
function flockWebDetective_checkForUpdates(/*boolean */forceUpdates, /*flockIListener */aListener)
var now = Date.now();
var updatesOk = true; // If any updates fail then this will be false.
var fileCount = 0;
var serviceUpdateListener = {
onSuccess : function(aSubject, aTopic) {
fileCount = fileCount - 1;
if (fileCount <= 0) {
if (aListener) {
if (updatesOk) {
aListener.onSuccess(null, null);
} else {
aListener.onError(null, null, null);
onError : function(aSubject, aTopic, aError) {
fileCount = fileCount - 1;
updatesOk = false;
if (fileCount <= 0) {
if (aListener) {
aListener.onError(null, null, null);
for (var serviceName in this.mDetectFiles) {
var expire = this.updateMetadataStore.getAttr(serviceName, 'updateexpire');
if ((expire && expire > now) && !forceUpdates)
fileCount = fileCount + 1;
if (aListener) {
aListener.onStart(null, serviceName);
this.sendUpdateRequest(serviceName, serviceUpdateListener);
} else {
flockWebDetective.prototype.getUpdateInfo =
function flockWebDetective_getUpdateInfo(aServiceName)
var updateEls = this.mRules[aServiceName].getElementsByTagName('update');
for (var i = 0; i < updateEls.length; i++) {
var updateEl = updateEls.item(i);
var url = updateEl.getAttribute('url');
var testURI = makeURI(url);
if (testURI) {
var interval = updateEl.getAttribute('interval');
var info = {
url: testURI.spec,
interval: interval ? interval : DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL
return info;
var url = DEFAULT_UPDATE_SERVER + this.mDetectFiles[aServiceName].leafName;
var info = {
url: makeURI(url).spec,
return info;
flockWebDetective.prototype.sendUpdateRequest =
function flockWebDetective_sendUpdateRequest(aServiceName, aListener)
var updateInfo = this.getUpdateInfo(aServiceName);
var hr = Cc['@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1']
hr.backgroundRequest = true;
hr.open('GET', updateInfo.url);
var lastModified = this.updateMetadataStore.getAttr(aServiceName,
hr.setRequestHeader('If-Modified-Since', lastModified);
var self = this;
var updateInterval = updateInfo.interval;
hr.onload = function(event) {
var req = event.target;
if (req.responseXML) {
self.updateDetectFile(aServiceName, req.responseText, updateInterval);
if (aListener) {
} else {
if (aListener) {
flockWebDetective.prototype.updateDetectFile =
function flockWebDetective_updateDetectFile(serviceName, contents, updateInterval)
if (!contents) {
this.updateMetadataStore.setAttr(serviceName, 'updateexpire',
Date.now() + updateInterval * 86400000);
try {
var detectFile = this.mDetectFiles[serviceName];
var ostream = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/safe-file-output-stream;1']
ostream.init(detectFile, PR_WRONLY | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE, 0644, 0);
var converter = Cc['@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter']
converter.charset = 'UTF-8';
var convdata = converter.ConvertFromUnicode(contents) + converter.Finish();
ostream.write(convdata, convdata.length);
if (ostream instanceof Ci.nsISafeOutputStream) {
} else {
var updateInfo = this.getUpdateInfo(serviceName);
this.updateMetadataStore.setAttr(serviceName, 'updateexpire',
Date.now() + updateInfo.interval * 86400000);
this.updateMetadataStore.setAttr(serviceName, 'updatelastmodified',
(new Date()).toUTCString());
catch (e) { }
// END update service functions
// ========== END flockWebDetective class ==========
// =========================================
// ========== BEGIN XPCOM Support ==========
// =========================================
var Module = {
_firstTime: true,
registerSelf: function(aCompMgr, aFileSpec, aLocation, aType)
if (this._firstTime) {
this._firstTime = false;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FACTORY_REGISTER_AGAIN;
aCompMgr = aCompMgr.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIComponentRegistrar);
aCompMgr.registerFactoryLocation(CLASS_ID, CLASS_NAME, CONTRACT_ID, aFileSpec, aLocation, aType);
var categoryManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/categorymanager;1"]
categoryManager.addCategoryEntry("flock-startup", CLASS_NAME, "service," + CONTRACT_ID, true, true);
unregisterSelf: function(aCompMgr, aLocation, aType)
aCompMgr = aCompMgr.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIComponentRegistrar);
aCompMgr.unregisterFactoryLocation(CLASS_ID, aLocation);
getClassObject: function(aCompMgr, aCID, aIID)
if (!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIFactory)) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
if (aCID.equals(CLASS_ID)) {
return Factory;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
canUnload: function(aCompMgr) { return true; }
var Factory = {
createInstance: function(aOuter, aIID)
if (aOuter != null) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
return (new flockWebDetective()).QueryInterface(aIID);
function NSGetModule(aCompMgr, aFileSpec)
return Module;
// ========== END XPCOM Support ==========